Get ready Victor Valley, on Tuesday July 16th we will have our Transit Services FARE FREE in recognition of National Rural Transit Day!
Ride our Fixed Routes, County Routes, Direct Access**, Micro-Link and even Route 15 Fare Free on July 16th! Give your wallet a break or use this opportunity to try Public Transportation for the first time!
Rural transit was established by the FTA in 1979, and Rural Transit Day was created in 2019 to appreciate the unique needs of rural passengers and celebrate the hardworking transit agencies that meet their travel needs. Funded by the Caltrans Division of Local Assistance, rural transit agencies in California play a vital role in maintaining the quality of life of rural residents by connecting people to much-needed essential services, jobs, education, and healthcare. We honor these transit agency heroes by publicizing all their hard work, taking the pledge to show our commitment to rural transit, and spreading awareness of Rural Transit Day and the importance of rural transit in our community.
** Must have ADA certification to use Direct Access**