1. Recognition of Guests & Public Comments
    Visitors are requested to make comments only on those items not identified in the agenda. Comments concerning agenda items can be presented when that item comes up. Please limit comments to three minutes per item.
  2. Review VVTA Draft Board Agenda
    1. VVTA Public Comment on Service Changes and Fare Increases Policies Update.
    2. Ratify Chase Paymentech Application and Agreement (tap cards).
    3. Memorandum of Agreement with Mojave Desert AQMD.
    4. VVTA TAC Purpose and Organization update.
    5. Budget Amendment Battery Electric Buses (tentative).
    6. Approve Award for RFP 2018-13 Design Building Barstow Maintenance Facility.
    7. VVTA Compensation Policy Update.
    8. VVTA Personnel Policies Revision 6.
    9. Closed Session – ED Evaluation.
  3. Bus stop shelters/benches/lighting
  4. SBCTA Update
  5. Other Business
  6. Adjournment