Have you used the Google Maps Transit Trip Planner to get directions on Victor Valley Transit? Reading timetables can be tough, but Google’s trip planner makes transit easy.
From the VVTA website
VVTA.org has a trip planner widget right on the homepage. You’ll find it in the center of the screen on the homepage, which can be reached from any page on this site by clicking on the logo in the top left of the screen.
Just enter your origin, your destination, and your time of trip–when you click “Get Directions” we’ll send you right to the Google Maps page showing what routes to take, and where to catch them.
From the Google Maps website
You can also go straight to maps.google.com and enter your origin and destination there. You can even ask for directions from Victor Valley to regional destinations like Ontario Airport
In the Google Maps app
For a mobile-friendly experience, use the Google maps app on Android or iOS. Just plan your trip like you would for driving, and click the bus icon!